Ecological Habits Of Adult Artemia Shrimp Eggs

Adult Artemia Shrimp Eggs

Ecological Habits Of Adult Artemia Shrimp Eggs

Globally, artemia shrimp are rarely found in water with salinity below 45 parts per thousand under natural conditions. Prawns can survive in water with salinity of 300 parts per thousand, and their populations can maintain high densities because there are few predators and competitors at high salinity.

The dormant artemia eggs with diameters of about 200-280 microns, commonly known as durable eggs, are produced by shrimp at salinity above one-thousandth of a hundred. Durable eggs are grayish brown and have a hard shell, floating on the surface or suspended in water. It can survive the harsh environment such as hypoxia, cold and dry in the sludge. In dry and anaerobic conditions, the embryos can be kept for several years until they are immersed in seawater and their metabolism is stimulated before hatching.

The shrimp has a strong adaptability to temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen, and can tolerate temperatures ranging from 6 35 5 340 and 1 150 ppm. The optimum temperature for shrimp growth in harvest year is 25-30 C, pH value is 7.5-8.5, salinity is 30-50, and dissolved oxygen is close to saturated dissolved oxygen.

The adult shrimp is about 1~1.2 cm long.

The adult artemia shrimp is about 1~1.2 cm long.

The egg of the year old artemia shrimp can hatch into a nauplii at about 24 hours at 28 degrees Celsius. The newly hatched nauplius larvae are about 460 microns in length and 0.02 mg in wet weight, 720 microns in length 5 hours after hatching and 1220 microns in length 24 hours after hatching. Under good conditions, the shrimp is ripe for about 9 days. The mature shrimp is about 1 to 1.2 centimeters long and the wet weight is about 10 mg.

The shrimp is a dioecious species, which can be divided into two types: oogenesis and oviparous. Under poor environment such as high salinity and low dissolved oxygen, oviparous eggs can be induced to form durable eggs. Under low salinity and high dissolved oxygen, fertilized eggs will develop into knots directly.

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